Study Skills and Research Links 

How to write an A Theory of Knowledge paper

How to write an Abstract

Citation Machine    

             This site automatically formats MLA work cited information                             

Comprehensive Study Skills and Hints 

Cornell Note Taking

How do you learn best? Take the VARK learning styles inventory                       

          This is an excellent guide from Gale Research.  

Essay Test Preparation                                                                                     

How to Write a Term Paper  

Extended Essay Guidelines                                        

MLA Guide to Writing Term Papers                                                               

         Easy to navigate drop down lists  

Mnemonic Devices      Memory Aids                                                                               

What is Plagiarism?                                                    

        Cornell  University published a pamphlet entitled "Acknowledging the Work of Others." 

Plagiarism video 

        Coral Reef subscribes to and regularly monitors plagiarism in student research.  

Reasons why you procrastinate and how to overcome it

Research Databases for Coral Reef Students    Ask your Coral Reef teacher for the password                         

The Best online newspapers from around the world   Many have English versions 

Time Management Strategies